
My family..the greatest gift

Hai..adik2 ku sayang...macam-macam perangai. Kadang-kadang rasa geram, gembira, sedih, semua dalam satu. Tapi apa-apa pun dioranglah harta yang aku ada kat dunia ni. Tanpa diorang siapalah aku sekarang ni. Biasalah kalo ade salah faham, tapi lepas tu baik balik. Sebab tu lah hargailah keluarga kita selagi diorang ada bersama kita, jangan dah hilang baru nak menyesal.
Memang tak dinafikan akan ada rasa cemburu sesama sendiri tapi kalau boleh buangkan jauh-jauh perasaan tu, ingat yang kita sama je. Tak kisah la sape yang lebih, yang penting hubungan kekeluargaan tu tak pudar. Aku sekarang cuba untuk belajar bersabar dan mengalah, sebab aku pun manusia biasa tak sempurna. Aku nak jugak jadi kakak yang terbaik untuk adik-adik aku...walaupun nampak macam payah, tapi aku akan cuba yang terbaik...insya-allah.

I hate when I cursing myself

      Frustrated, sad, angry, thinking like an idiot....those words make me hate myself more...urgh! I can't rely on myself...just hate it. Work less but hoping to get something more than what I did. Living alone only made me inhuman, I don't bother about pathetic I am. I live in my on world for too long, since I was kid, only me and my world. I hate to be friends with others because I will only hurting them, make them sad...I'm good in making people hate me...I've lost my true self...I've lost my confident, my hope...This new year only make me sad...truly sad. Something happen in my life, my family. That make me feel lost...
       I'm grateful that I was born in this world but sometimes I feel unsatisfied because I'm not work hard for family...there is a place that I really want to go but sadly it just in my dream...high, top on the big tree with beautiful flower dancing happily with the wind...the cloud smiling on the sky and I was under that tree looking at them smile peacefully...I really hope that I can find my true self happiness, my family happiness.